Fall Pitcher Bouquet

Item # F40
Fall Pitcher Bouquet
Fall Pitcher Bouquet
Fall Pitcher Bouquet
Fall Pitcher Bouquet


Celebrate the splendor of autumn with our delightful 'Fall Pitcher Bouquet'! This captivating arrangement features the soft elegance of peach roses, the vibrant cheer of sunflowers, the charming allure of peach spray roses, and the pristine beauty of white lilies. All these gorgeous blooms are nestled in a unique pitcher vase, beautifully embossed with a turkey, adding a festive touch to your seasonal decor. Plus, the pitcher is a keepsake, perfect for treasuring memories long after the celebrations end!

Ideal for Thanksgiving or any autumn gathering, the 'Fall Pitcher Bouquet' radiates warmth and elegance, making it an exceptional centerpiece or a heartfelt gift. Imagine this stunning bouquet gracing your table, spreading joy and thanksgiving with every petal.

Don't miss out on sharing the beauty of the season—order your 'Fall Pitcher Bouquet' today and let its vibrant hues and festive charm brighten your celebrations! 

Approximately 19"H x 12"W

Kuhn Flowers Benefits

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