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Brilliant Bouquet

Item # PBN8
Brilliant Bouquet
Brilliant Bouquet
Brilliant Bouquet
Brilliant Bouquet


This original image is turned into a paint by numbers kit.  Each kit includes a great quality template printed canvas, a 4 brush set, handy little pots of acrylic paint, and a map just in case you need to find a number you missed.  Each of our projects is about 12 hours.  Paint however you would like.  Enjoy!

Product Info


• 16 x 20” ready-to-paint premium printed canvas

• Pre-mixed acrylic paints in handy little pots

• Set of 4 paint brushes

Each kit is made for success.  The areas are clearly marked and numbered so that you just match the paint with the number.  Start at 1 or your favorite rules.  Layer the paint for a little bit of depth.  Beautiful success in a tube.... have fun and likely you will want more than one.

This item is not available online. Please call for purchasing options.

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