Golden Meadow Bouquet

Item # F41
Golden Meadow Bouquet
Golden Meadow Bouquet
Golden Meadow Bouquet
Golden Meadow Bouquet


Immerse yourself in the radiant colors of autumn with our enchanting 'Golden Meadow Bouquet'! This stunning arrangement captures the essence of the season, featuring a delightful mix of mini green hydrangeas, cheerful sunflowers, soft peach roses, lively orange spray roses, and rich burgundy carnations. Each bloom is thoughtfully arranged to create a vibrant and warm palette that mirrors the breathtaking hues of fall.

The bouquet is elegantly presented in a tinted glass vase, adorned with distinctive triple rings at the bottom, adding an extra layer of sophistication and charm. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply want to brighten someone's day, the 'Golden Meadow Bouquet' offers the perfect blend of beauty and seasonal joy.

Let the magic of autumn fill your heart and home—order your 'Golden Meadow Bouquet' today and make any moment unforgettable! 

Approximately 20"H x 14"W

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