To ensure all our beautiful bouquets reach their recipients, we cannot offer timed deliveries for Valentine's Day.

Heavenly Harmony Bouquet

Item # ML115
Heavenly Harmony Bouquet
Heavenly Harmony Bouquet
Heavenly Harmony Bouquet
Heavenly Harmony Bouquet
Heavenly Harmony Bouquet


Discover the timeless allure of our Heavenly Harmony Bouquet! This stunning arrangement features a harmonious blend of white hydrangeas, spray roses, lilies, calla lilies, and a breathtaking white phalaenopsis orchid, all elegantly arranged in a sleek 6x8 cylinder vase. Perfect for any occasion—whether it's celebrating a birthday, a memorable anniversary, or every day celebrations—this bouquet embodies purity and tranquility, adding a touch of refined elegance to any setting.

The Heavenly Harmony Bouquet is designed to captivate and inspire, offering a serene beauty that speaks to the heart. Let its gentle charm elevate every moment and create an atmosphere of sophistication and peace.

Approximately 21"H x 18"W

***Lilies may arrive in Bud form***


Yes, make it extra special!

Heavenly Harmony Bouquet
Add 3 Birds of Paradise
Heavenly Harmony Bouquet
Add 3 Daisies
Heavenly Harmony Bouquet
Add 3 Roses
Heavenly Harmony Bouquet
Heavenly Harmony Bouquet
Feather Butterflies
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