In Angels' Arms Bouquet

Item # 4802
In Angels\' Arms Bouquet
In Angels\' Arms Bouquet
In Angels\' Arms Bouquet
In Angels\' Arms Bouquet


Introducing the "In Angel's Arms Bouquet" - a tender solace in times of mourning. This exquisite arrangement weaves together the serene beauty of white mini calla lilies, roses, stock, orchids, hydrangeas, lilies, and bells of Ireland, symbolizing purity, love, and remembrance. With a lush tapestry of varied greens as a backdrop, this bouquet carries a keepsake angel ornament, offering comfort and unity. It serves as a poignant reminder that cherished souls are forever cradled in our hearts, speaking volumes of everlasting love during moments of grief.

Approximately 17H x 23W


Yes, make it extra special!

In Angels\' Arms Bouquet
Add 3 Birds of Paradise
In Angels\' Arms Bouquet
Add 3 Daisies
In Angels\' Arms Bouquet
Add 3 Roses
In Angels\' Arms Bouquet
In Angels\' Arms Bouquet
Feather Butterflies
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