Teleflora's Garden of Serenity Bouquet

Item # 417
Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet


This exquisite porcelain sculpture of Jesus surrounded by radiant flowers will be a source of comfort to loved ones during a time of loss. Your thoughtfulness will be long remembered. The stunning bouquet includes white roses, carnations, daisies, stock, accented with salal, ruscus, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered with a meticulously detailed porcelain sculpture of Jesus.

Approximately 15 3/4" W x 22" H

Model T229-1B


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Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
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Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
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Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
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Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
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Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
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Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
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Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
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Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
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Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
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Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
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Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
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Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
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Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
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Teleflora\'s Garden of Serenity Bouquet
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