To ensure all our beautiful bouquets reach their recipients, we cannot offer timed deliveries for Valentine's Day.
Unveil the serene elegance of the "Indigo Horizon" arrangement, where tranquility meets a mesmerizing palette of purples and blues. This captivating bouquet blends the charm of purple pompon buttons with the soft allure of blue pompon buttons, setting a dreamy stage. Mini blue hydrangeas and lavender hydrangeas weave a gentle harmony, while the rich tones of dark purple stock and purple carnations add layers of depth and sophistication. Purple mini carnations sprinkle a touch of playful grace, while a single purple Phalaenopsis orchid stands as a symbol of refined beauty. The arrangement is complemented by the silvery hues of dusty miller and the rustic texture of seeded eucalyptus, creating a calming oasis of blooms. Perfect for any occasion, "Indigo Horizon" invites you to embrace its enchanting beauty and peaceful charm, bringing a touch of elegance to every moment.
Approximately 14"H x 17"W