To ensure all our beautiful bouquets reach their recipients, we cannot offer timed deliveries for Valentine's Day.

Teleflora's Divine Peace Bouquet

Item # 418
Teleflora\'s Divine Peace Bouquet
Teleflora\'s Divine Peace Bouquet
Teleflora\'s Divine Peace Bouquet


An elegant display of faith and divine peace, this beautiful arrangement will comfort the bereaved in a truly thoughtful and respectful way. A bed of lovely blossoms surrounds an exquisite crystal cross. It is sure to be appreciated and always remembered. A fragrant mix of pure white blooms - including roses, stock, and carnations - is accented with variegated pittosporum around an exclusive Crystal Cross keepsake.

Approximately 16 1/2" W x 13 1/2" H

Model T229-2B


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Teleflora\'s Divine Peace Bouquet
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Teleflora\'s Divine Peace Bouquet
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