Petite Red Rose Bouquet

Item # PD02
Petite Red Rose Bouquet
Petite Red Rose Bouquet
Petite Red Rose Bouquet


This gorgeous mini hand-tied bouquet of red roses and delicate babies breath is the perfect combination is perfect to carry for any prom.


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Petite Red Rose Bouquet
Add 3 Birds of Paradise
Petite Red Rose Bouquet
Add 3 Daisies
Petite Red Rose Bouquet
Add 3 Roses
Petite Red Rose Bouquet
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Petite Red Rose Bouquet
Add 3 Mylar Balloons
Petite Red Rose Bouquet
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Petite Red Rose Bouquet
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Petite Red Rose Bouquet
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Petite Red Rose Bouquet
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Petite Red Rose Bouquet
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Petite Red Rose Bouquet
Red Cardinal
Petite Red Rose Bouquet
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