Teleflora's Indian Summer

Item # T05N421A
Teleflora\'s Indian Summer


Give the gift of a vibrant Indian summer with our stunning bouquet. This arrangement showcases the rich hues of deep red, orange, and burgundy, elegantly complemented by autumn oak leaves and delicate millet. Artfully arranged in a modern plum glass Teleflora cube vase, it's a delightful surprise anyone would cherish. It features orange roses, alstroemeria, red Asiatic lilies, burgundy carnations, huckleberry, and berries, with artificial oak leaves and millet accents.


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Teleflora\'s Indian Summer
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Teleflora\'s Indian Summer
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Teleflora\'s Indian Summer
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Teleflora\'s Indian Summer
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Teleflora\'s Indian Summer
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Teleflora\'s Indian Summer
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Teleflora\'s Indian Summer
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Teleflora\'s Indian Summer
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Teleflora\'s Indian Summer
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Teleflora\'s Indian Summer
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Teleflora\'s Indian Summer
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Teleflora\'s Indian Summer
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