Violet Velvet Bouquet

Item # P07
Violet Velvet Bouquet
Violet Velvet Bouquet
Violet Velvet Bouquet
Violet Velvet Bouquet


The "Violet Velvet Bouquet" is a luxurious floral masterpiece that exudes sophistication and elegance. This enchanting arrangement is a symphony of rich purples, featuring the lush beauty of purple hydrangeas and the refined grace of purple stock. Delve into the velvety allure of purple mini carnations and lavender buttons, while striking purple orchids and delicate purple lisianthus add layers of opulence. Accented with the lush greenery of aspidistra and the textured elegance of seeded eucalyptus, this bouquet is a perfect embodiment of luxury and style. Ideal for any occasion, the "Violet Velvet Bouquet" is sure to infuse any space with a touch of timeless elegance and charm.

Approximately 15"H x 14"W

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