Winter Berry Bouquet

Item # C2163
Winter Berry Bouquet
Winter Berry Bouquet
Winter Berry Bouquet
Winter Berry Bouquet
Winter Berry Bouquet


Celebrate with our 'Winter Berry Bouquet'. This charming arrangement combines radiant red roses, carnations, and green berries all nestled in a cardinal-embellished container. A happy red cardinal pick perches atop making this bouquet complete. It's a festive burst of holiday cheer, perfect for gifting or home decor.

Approximately 14"H x 12"W


Yes, make it extra special!

Winter Berry Bouquet
Add Wine or Bubbly
Winter Berry Bouquet
Add 3 Birds of Paradise
Winter Berry Bouquet
Add 3 Daisies
Winter Berry Bouquet
Add 3 Roses
Winter Berry Bouquet
Add a Mylar Balloon
Winter Berry Bouquet
Add 3 Mylar Balloons
Winter Berry Bouquet
Add a Balloon Bouquet
Winter Berry Bouquet
Add a Box of Chocolates
Winter Berry Bouquet
Add Assorted Truffles
Winter Berry Bouquet
Add a Plush Animal
Winter Berry Bouquet
Feather Butterflies
Winter Berry Bouquet
Red Cardinal
Winter Berry Bouquet
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